Home Volume: 2 , Issue: Supplement 1
Scenario template: a welsh perspective
Scenario template: a welsh perspective

Article Type: Editorial Article History


    Simulation is an educational approach in health and care that is often used to address patient/service user safety issues, technical and non-technical skills, teamwork, problem solving, and decision-making. The goal of simulation is to create an authentic learning experience. To be effective it needs to be designed and planned appropriately [1]. Following feedback from a health and care simulation community at webinars and other engagement events, a designated simulation team has designed a scenario template to promote the development and sharing of high-quality standardised scenarios.


    A scoping exercise was undertaken to review and identify relevant literature and published scenario templates. A database search was undertaken through CINAHL, Pubmed, and Medline using the search terms: simulation, simulation scenarios, scenario template, simulation guidance, using a time-frame of 2010 to 2022.


    The lack of breadth of literature on scenario writing was a surprising finding. However, the available literature identifies that an effective robust scenario must consider the prospective learners and the intended learning objectives and outcomes. Additionally, knowledge of educational principles and best practices in both simulation and clinical practice are needed [2]. Scenario design must also consider the modality and fidelity of the simulation, faculty members, use of supplementary resources, moulage, other participants, simulators, and/or standardized patients [3]. An evidence-based scenario template was developed and peer reviewed. It was then presented to and tested by the health and care simulation community during a free, inclusive, and well attended scenario writing online workshop facilitated by a simulation team in collaboration with experts.


    The scenario template provides step-by-step guidance on scenario writing best practice and includes a didactic element by signposting to further reading. It was revised based on constructive comments made by the health and care simulation community, which included more prescriptive facilitator guidance, and will be published via simulation web-pages as an open access resource for use by anyone across the health and care simulation education and training workforce (https://heiw.nhs.wales/files/simulation-scenario-template/). The team is aiming to further evaluate the use of the template, with the intention of contributing to further evidence base in this area.


    1. Dieckmann P, Gaba D, Rall M. Deepening the theoretical foundations of patient simulation as social practice. Simulation in Healthcare. 2007;2(3):183–93.

    2. Bambini D. Writing a simulation scenario: a step-by-step guide. AACN advanced critical care. 2016;27(1):62–70.

    3. Harrington D, Simon L. Designing a Simulation Scenario. Accessed via Designing a Simulation Scenario. 2021. StatPearls, NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov).