In response to an initial lack of opportunity for frontline ambulance placements during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, a university lecturing team developed a novel, interactive online simulation format for student paramedic education.
The technique aimed to provide the students with the opportunity to continue to practice and refine their questioning and clinical decision-making abilities, even without having a physical patient present.
The subsequently developed format was designed to help ensure continuing development of newly acquired clinical assessment principles. Case-based scenarios took the students through key stages of a pre-hospital patient encounter. These were carefully created to resemble the real-life setting as closely as possible.
The Blackboard Collaborate teaching platform was utilized in conjunction with pre-designed slides on Microsoft PowerPoint to facilitate the learning activity. Open access images of specific scenes, hazards, people and medication were selected to create visual cues and context for the initial stages of the call, with pre-recorded sounds enhancing this experience. Students were encouraged to use microphones and the chat functionality of Blackboard to interact with their simulated patient, who was played by a lecturer, and responded in real time. Simulated monitors and pre-recorded heart and lung sounds were utilized to provide students with clinical information in a similar timeframe and format to real-life clinical encounters. On the basis of the information gathered, students then devised clinical treatment plans and delivered virtual ‘handovers’ verbally. Debriefing immediately followed the scenario, with self-reflection from participating candidates actively encouraged and supported. Spectating students were then invited to provide their observations on the scenario itself, including facilitation of peer review. All scenario debriefs further contained specific learning points for discussion and exploration, helping to ensure learning was meaningful, with a strong relationship to contemporary issues in paramedic practice. Students reported a high level of satisfaction with this technique, repeatedly describing it anecdotally as both engaging and useful to their clinical development. Facilitator learning has included refinement of techniques and strategies, along with widening participation with other professions. Subsequently, the format has been employed in teaching a range of different healthcare professions, along with being used for online inter-professional learning events between student paramedics, nurses, and midwives, and registered pre-hospital clinicians alike.