Home Volume: 2 , Issue: Supplement 1
Implementation of a high-fidelity simulation programme for year 3 internal medicine trainees (IMT3)
Implementation of a high-fidelity simulation programme for year 3 internal medicine trainees (IMT3)

Article Type: Editorial Article History


    Year 3 Internal Medicine Trainee (IMT3) is a new (in 2021) grade of medical trainee intended to bridge the chasm between the supported environment of being a senior house officer and the more independent role of a medical registrar. We identified an unmet need for simulation experience to develop skills in emergency management, team leadership, and medicolegal/ethical judgement needed by the medical registrar [1]. Medical simulation and human factors training are essential for the development of IMT3s [2]. We created a novel high-fidelity simulation programme to address this training requirement and support this new grade of junior registrars.


    We designed five scenarios according to current curriculum guidance and Trust human factors framework. These scenarios were: (i) managing a Jehovah’s witness with an upper gastrointestinal tract bleed but lacking capacity, (ii) tricyclic antidepressant overdose, (iii) cardiac arrest in pregnancy, (iv) duty of candour after a fatal medical error, and (v) a hypoxic COVID-19 patient refusing treatment. The scenarios were piloted to a focus group with iterative improvements made. Participants responded to a Likert-type scale on both pre- and post-course questionnaires regarding their perceived confidence in managing difficult clinical and ethical conundrums, and their ability to share decision-making and communicate effectively during these situations.


    23 out of 30 (77%) of the Trust’s IMT3s attended the programme which ran from January to May 2022, 22 (96%) of whom have completed both pre- and post-course questionnaires across the six sessions held. Mean course satisfaction and subjective knowledge gained ratings amongst participants following attendance at the course was 4.9/5. There was a 34.9% increase in mean confidence rating towards the management of challenging ethico-legal dilemmas (pre- versus post-course: 6.6/10 versus 8.9/10). Similarly, the average confidence towards the delivery of effective resuscitation in acutely deteriorating patients rose from 7.3 to 8.8/10 (20.5%), while average confidence in sharing decision-making and effective communication increased from 7 to 9/10 (28.6%) amongst the participants. Unclear audio system and lack of handouts were reported as limitations. Pauses in study leave access due to COVID-19 surges posed a challenge to the delivery of sessions and additional sessions were instituted to limit this impact.


    This is a novel programme for a new grade of doctors. The pilot data suggested that the implementation of a high-fidelity simulation programme appeared to be an effective modality to support the progression of this junior medical registrar cohort.


    1. Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB). Internal Medicine Training (IMT) Stage 1 ARCP Decision Aid. 2019 (last updated 2022).

    https://www.jrcptb.org.uk/sites/default/files/IMT%20ARCP%20Decision%20Aid%202019%20%282022%20update%29%20FINAL.pdf [Accessed on 4/06/2022].

    2. Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB). Rough Guide to Internal Medicine Training: Guidance for training programme directors, supervisors and trainees. 2019 (last updated June 2019)

    https://www.jrcptb.org.uk/sites/default/files/Rough guide to IMT June 2019.docx %282%29.pdf [Accessed on 17/05/2022].