Home Volume: 1 , Issue: Supplement 1
72 Medical Student Attitudes Towards Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education
72 Medical Student Attitudes Towards Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education

Article Type: In Practice Article History


Point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) is a bedside imaging modality that provides the operator with instant clinical patient information. PoCUS is a low-cost, radiation-free, portable diagnostic tool that is utilized in many specialities [1]. To the best of our knowledge, no Irish medical schools have a formalized ultrasound curriculum in place for undergraduate students. Hands-on ultrasound teaching has the potential to enhance medical students’ basic understanding of human anatomy and confidence in diagnostic ability [2].


The aim of the study was to assess undergraduate medical students’ attitudes towards PoCUS through the implementation of a rudimentary proctored PoCUS workshop.


Third-year medical students at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland participated in a 1-hour PoCUS workshop as part of their fundamental clinical skills training. Medical students attended the in-person workshop repeated over 8 weeks. Students were exposed to three ultrasound stations. The first was a CAE Vimedix ultrasound simulator utilizing augmented reality colourization and 3D modelling. The second station was learning and performing an extended FAST scan with a focus on bright mode image acquisition and free fluid recognition. The third station was the practical placement of peripheral/central IV-line insertion helping students to identify vasculature while also manipulating the ultrasound transducer as a procedural adjunct. Students were asked to complete a post-workshop survey to investigate their attitudes towards ultrasound teaching in undergraduate medical education. The survey consisted of 10 questions to assess attendee’s prior ultrasound knowledge, to provide constructive feedback regarding the workshop and how ultrasound can be incorporated into future undergraduate medical education.


A total of 121 students completed the post-workshop survey. Of those who completed the survey, 94.2% of students had never used an ultrasound machine before and 100% had never performed PoCUS previously. Collectively, participants strongly agreed 100% that PoCUS should be incorporated into the undergraduate medical student curriculum at RCSI. In particular, 89.3% and 45.5% of students indicated that POTUS should be included in the third- and fourth-year medicine curriculum, respectively. 85.1% of students indicated that PoCUS education would be most valuable to supplement clinical placement followed by anatomy (62.8%), pathology (59.9%) and physiology (23.1%). 86.8% of the students were interested in learning more about PoCUS through an online format.

Implications for practice:

PoCUS appears to be an additional valuable learning resource for undergraduate medical students. Of the students surveyed, it is apparent that there is strong support in favour of early ultrasound integration into the future medical school curriculum.



Karp J, Burke K, Daubaras S, McDermott C . The role of PoCUS in the assessment of COVID-19 patients. J Ultrasound. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s40477-021-00586-8.z


Campos M, Donaldson C, Rajeswaran G, Ahmad I . The role of ultrasound teaching in the undergraduate medical curriculum. Clin Teacher. 2018:16(5);539540.