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121 The Rapid Infuser Challenge: Applying Gamification to Improve Performance
121 The Rapid Infuser Challenge: Applying Gamification to Improve Performance

Article Type: In Practice Article History


    Major haemorrhage causes systemic shock with resultant coagulopathy. The Belmont Rapid Infuser© (BRI) is one example of a rapid infuser device to deliver intravenous fluids and blood products to patients as part of emergency resuscitation. We are a simulation team based in a busy trauma unit and anecdotally our staff did not feel confident in using our BRI.


    We aimed to quantify how confident our nursing staff were in using the BRI, before and after delivering a simulated patient scenario asking them to transfuse blood products using the BRI. We also aimed to quantify whether a simulated scenario could reduce the time taken to use the BRI. We aimed to create an enjoyable environment and use aspects of gamification2 within the training.


    A self-evaluation questionnaire was circulated to establish pre-scenario confidence. Candidates observed a demonstration of the set-up and use of the BRI. Candidates were read a scenario brief and asked to use the BRI to infuse 500 ml of simulated blood product at 200 ml/minute. Once they had completed the scenario, their time was recorded, they were asked to again self-evaluate their confidence and were invited to attend again at a later date to ‘compete’ against their previous time.


    Pre-scenario data confirmed what was suspected; there was a wide variation in confidence in using the BRI across the sample. Early data suggest that the simulation was able to significantly increase staff confidence in safely using the BRI and repeated attempts led to a significant reduction in time to safely transfuse.

    Implications for practice:

    Positive participant feedback included recommendations for further hands-on deliberate practice. We hope the training can be expanded to also include members of the medical team. Further research is needed to explore the use of gamification to support simulation-based medical education within urgent care.