It is well established that trainee doctors struggle with the transition into a new department. There is evidence that simulation-based education (SBE) improves competence and confidence [1]. At our Trust, there is a one-day induction for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) introducing logistics of the Department and basic skills (e.g. rota and speculum examination). However, it had limited coverage of clinical knowledge, trust protocols, and management of common O&G presentations. The aim of this study was to improve the confidence of new doctors beginning their O&G clinical rotation by increasing their knowledge-base of common presentations, protocols, and procedures through designing and implementing a trainee-focused simulation-based training programme into their induction.
We collected feedback from six trainees who had undergone the previous induction programme regarding its utility and how confident the trainees felt on starting their rotation. It was evident from this that the induction did not adequately prepare them for their role and all were in agreement to have simulation embedded into the induction programme. We designed six scenarios based on common O&G presentations and used Trust Protocols (consenting, postnatal ward round checks, bleeding in pregnancy) as a guide for best practice. The programme was delivered to two cohorts (total of 12 trainees) in December 2021 and April 2022. During the new simulation-based induction, trainees completed a pre- and post-programme questionnaire which measured self-reported changes in confidence levels, O&G knowledge, and departmental protocols via a 5-point Likert scale. The questionnaire also explored their expectations of the day, whether they were met, and if this programme should feature permanently in the O&G departmental induction. These responses were analysed using the framework analysis.
Quantitative results revealed: increased confidence (+80%; p<0.001), decreased anxiety (-53.4%; p<0.001), increased knowledgebase (+50%; p=0.003), increased knowledge of Trust protocols (+82.6%: p=0.001), and all 12 participants were able to locate them when needed. Analysis of qualitative results revealed common themes of improved confidence, increased knowledgebase, clearer expectations of their job roles, and 100% of participants agreed that simulation should form a permanent part of their induction. Furthermore, their expectations of the programme were met was confirmed by the thematic analysis of participants’ expectations before and after the induction.
We recommend the use of simulation in departmental inductions as it is essential in improving trainee confidence; increasing their knowledge of common O&G presentations and of Trust protocols and procedures, and of their roles within the department.
1. Lateef F. Simulation-based learning: Just like the real thing. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock. 2010;3(4):348.