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Clinical debriefing: lessons from simulation
Clinical debriefing: lessons from simulation

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Phillips and Blair: Clinical debriefing: lessons from simulation

Debriefing in health care has been described as ‘the attempt to bridge the gap between experience of an event and making sense of it’ [1], which is generally conducted as a guided exploration and analysis with the aim of affecting future practice. Debriefing is well established in simulation-based education and has been recognized as the most important component of simulation for learning [2]. There is now a wealth of literature on techniques for clinical debriefing, which can take place after both routine and emergency events in health care. Several themes have been identified in both settings as being fundamental to a successful debrief, which are explored above.


Fanning RM, Gaba DM. The role of debriefing in simulation-based learning. Simul Healthc. 2007;2(2):115125. doi:10.1097/SIH.0b013e3180315539. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19088616/.

Issenberg SB, Mcgaghie WC, Petrusa ER, Lee Gordon D, Scalese RJ. Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning: a BEME systematic review. Med Teach. 2005;27(1):1028. doi:10.1080/01421590500046924. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16147767/.

Toews AJ, Martin DE, Chernomas WM. Clinical debriefing: a concept analysis. J Clin Nurs. 2021;30(11–12):14911501. doi:10.1111/jocn.15636. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33434382/.

Kumar P, Collins K, Paton C, McGowan N. Continuing professional development for faculty in simulation-based education. Int J Healthc Simul. 2021;1(1):6363. doi:10.54531/WTTV8264. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://www.ijohs.com/article/doi/10.54531/WTTV8264.

Eppich WJ, Mullan PC, Brett-Fleegler M, Cheng A. “Let’s Talk About It”: translating lessons from health care simulation to clinical event debriefings and coaching conversations. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. 2016;17(3), 200211. doi: 10.1016/j.cpem.2016.07.001 Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu/en/publications/lets-talk-about-it-translating-lessons-from-health-care-simulatio.

Kolbe M, Eppich W, Rudolph J, et al Managing psychological safety in debriefings: a dynamic balancing act. BMJ Stel. 2020;6:164171. doi:10.1136/bmjstel-2019-000470. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335254465_Managing_psychological_safety_in_debriefings_A_dynamic_balancing_act.

Centre for Medical Simulation. The basic assumption. 2021. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://harvardmedsim.org/resources/ the-basic-assumption/.

Cheng A, Grant V, Robinson T, et al The Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS) approach to health care debriefing: a faculty development guide. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2016;12(10):419428. doi: 10.1016/j.ecns.2016.05.002. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://www.nursingsimulation.org/article/S1876-1399(16)30028-7/fulltext#articleInformation.

Grant VJ, Robinson T, Catena H, et al Difficult debriefing situations: a toolbox for simulation educators. Med Teach Simul. 2018;40(7):703712. doi:10.1080/0142159X.2018.1468558. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29792100/.


Kolb DA. Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 2015.


Endacott R, Gale T, O’Connor A, Dix S. Frameworks and quality measures used for debriefing in team-based simulation: a systematic review. BMJ Stel. 2019;5(2):6172. doi:10.1136/bmjstel-2017-000297. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327001326_Frameworks_and_quality_measures_used_for_debriefing_in_team-based_simulation_A_systematic_review.


Dismukes RK, Gaba DM, Howard SK. So many roads: facilitated debriefing in healthcare. Simul Healthc. 2006;1(1):2325. doi:10.1097/01266021-200600110-00001. Cited 1/12/21. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19088569/.