Debra Kiegaldie is an intensive care nurse specialist, educational designer & researcher. She has led research translation projects on virtual reality, simulation, interprofessional education, e-learning, falls, delirium, end-of-life-care, medical error and open disclosure and communication skills education. collaborative work extends across all health professions and includes the vocational training sector, higher education and continuing professional development in healthcare. She has been the recipient of Australian and International awards for her research and educational outputs including the Victorian and Australian Industry Collaboration Training Awards (2019); the Association of Medical Educators Europe Teaching Innovation Award, (2016); and Australian Multimedia awards (2001) for her computer-based simulation work. Presently, Clinical Chair for Health Workforce & Simulation at Holmesglen's Institute/Health scope Australia and current President of the Victorian Simulation Alliance, Melbourne, Australia.
The International Journal of Healthcare Simulation - Advances in Theory & Practice (IJoHS) is a single-blind peer-reviewed open access journal.
The journal is a member of Crossref and is actively exploring opportunities for inclusion in the leading scientific indexes. Each article is given a unique digital object identifier (DOI), these are shared with the scientific community through channels including Crossref and Google Scholar.