Kristian Krogh is an anesthesiologist and the coordinator of organizational simulation at Aarhus University Hospital. He completed his PhD on debriefing and realism in simulation-based education from Aarhus University in 2015 and is now a senior researcher at Research Center for Emergency Medicine. He is Co-Chair of the Simulation Committee for The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Kristian is a dedicated educator and facilitator of simulation, has taught extensively on simulation educator courses and has a preference for team performance and faculty development. He serves as faculty at The Debriefing Academy, and recently he completed a fellowship in Translational Simulation and Team Performance at Gold Coast University Hospital in Australia.
Kristian predominantly uses qualitative methods and is passionate about understanding how we might collectively shape culture through conversation, feedback and debriefing both in and outside simulation-based education to improve education, team performance, and patient care.
He co-directs a Medical Education Program for doctors on patient safety and transportation, contributes to faculty supervision, and continues professional development.
The International Journal of Healthcare Simulation - Advances in Theory & Practice (IJoHS) is a single-blind peer-reviewed open access journal.
The journal is a member of Crossref and is actively exploring opportunities for inclusion in the leading scientific indexes. Each article is given a unique digital object identifier (DOI), these are shared with the scientific community through channels including Crossref and Google Scholar.